(Posted May 13, 2016)
poetry / flash fiction / essays
comic strips / illustrations / photography
videos / GIFs / sounds / music / podcasts
quizzes / puzzles / games / printables
Please Hold Magazine is now accepting submissions for its Fall 2016 issue: "Fortune."
We are interested in a variety of interpretations on this theme. Terms to consider: wealth, luck, future, success, business, status, treasure, possessions, estate, earn, inherit, predict, horoscope, will. Submissions are due by Sunday, August 14, 2016 at 11:59pm CST.
Work that is interactive and/or printable is highly encouraged. Submit work via https://pleaseholdmagazine.submittable.com/submit.
Please Hold Magazine is a St. Louis based online multimedia arts and literary magazine with an emphasis on publishing new and unconventional media. This includes but is not limited to video, performance art, interactive art/writing, animated GIFs, experimental music, flash fiction, poetry, photography, puzzles, games, comics, quizzes, podcasts, and printable content. To read more about this project, visit http://www.pleaseholdmagazine.com/about.html or explore our current issue at http://www.pleaseholdmagazine.com/current-issue.html.